HeadteacherChat’s Review of: CPI Classroom Culture Training
Hello! My name is Jonathan Coy, and I am CEO of HeadteacherChat™. I am delighted to have been given access to the CPI Classroom Culture, to see what they have on offer to support schools, and I thought you would be interested to know what I discovered.
Read the full review below….
What is CPI Classroom Culture training?
CPI Classroom Culture training is designed to prevent, reduce and manage risk behaviours. It is suitable for all education professionals interested in fostering a positive culture within their school. The training helps to provide practical techniques for consistent and sustainable principles that creates a calm and respectful environment, where everyone can feel safe, and where all learners and staff can thrive, and reach their potential.
Available as a virtual ‘train the trainer’ Instructor Certification Programme.
Watch a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83gqEaTkmEo
How do they describe their training?
‘Behaviour management in schools cannot rely upon status, hierarchy or magic strategies. Getting the culture right must be the foundation of any behaviour system that provides the basis for strategies to become more effective. Classroom Culture provides staff the rationale and the tools to improve school-wide consistency and to develop a culture where prevention is the cure.’
- The strategies include a common framework to provide teachers and support staff with standards that are both sustainable and practical.
- The virtual delivery platform eliminates the need for in-person training, reduces travel costs, and reduces time spent away from the classroom.
- Classroom Culture complements and strengthens your existing behaviour management activities by making principles simple to learn, implement, and repeat for teachers.
- The cost of recurring renewals is eliminated. This is a cost-effective training solution because the certification is valid for life.
“It was the best CPD I’ve had in the 8 years I have worked here. I left feeling uplifted and hoping we get to have the other sessions too.” Primary Teacher
“This was one of the most implementable and useful pieces of training I have received.”
Primary Teacher
“Excellent, thought-provoking training that I believe should make every teacher stop and think about their own practice.” Teacher, Academy School
CPI Classroom Culture has the HeadteacherChat™ Stamp of Approval because:
- It empowers staff to create a safe and respectful environment
- It focuses on care, welfare, safety and security of adults and young people
- It’s well thought through, with evidence-based de-escalation and crisis prevention approaches.
- CPI Classroom Culture Programme ties directly to the OFSTED requirement for focus on behaviour and attitudes.
- It helps to embed the right culture, influence the right behaviour and attitudes from all stakeholders
- We love that fact that it focuses on it developing a positive culture within your school
- It offers strategies and techniques for all those who support young people.
- Flexible Delivery — Train the trainer option to develop inhouse capabilities to improve implementation longevity
‘We recommend Classroom Culture because its focus is on establishing a positive culture within your school. CPI Classroom Culture gives teachers the support and skills they need to promote school-wide consistency and foster a positive, safe and happy culture.’
Jonathan Coy CEO, HeadteacherChat™ May 2022
To find out more information go to: www.crisisprevention.com