2 min readApr 12, 2022


50 bits of advice to help you as a school leader

With a little bit of help from friends on Twitter.

  1. Develop relationships with all school stakeholders.
  2. Pay attention and listen.
  3. Please, do not be an idiot.
  4. Check on every teacher every day.
  5. Do not make big to-do lists.
  6. First, spend time developing and sharing your vision.
  7. Make sure everyone understands what you (as a group) want to accomplish.
  8. For at least a term, do not mention your best friend, At My Other School!
  9. Take your time to learn about the school, ask questions, speak with everyone, listen, and be curious.
  10. Do not come in knowing everything.
  11. Do not feel obligated to continue teaching to “set an example.”
  12. Make it a point to visit the playground every day, either at the beginning or end of the day.
  13. Encourage a culture of well-being.
  14. Purchase additional teaspoons.
  15. Positive change is not something to be afraid of; it is something to be excited about!
  16. Lead with empathy.
  17. Make sure you have received a thorough handover/induction.
  18. Culture eats strategy for breakfast.
  19. Have a realistic schedule so you may bring others along for the ride while embracing and enhancing what is excellent.
  20. Find out where you can get help from outside sources. Prioritise your tasks and do not take on too much at once.
  21. Trust in your team’s knowledge.
  22. Changes should not be made solely for the sake of change.
  23. Role model well-being such as sensible working hours
  24. Try to keep ahead of the curve by reading a lot.
  25. Find a support group — collaborate/mentors.
  26. Too many people enter as leaders and want to prove themselves by bulldozing their way to the top.
  27. Talk to the office personnel and the caretaker.
  28. Get to know everyone and visit each class on a regular basis.
  29. SMILE
  30. Evolution, not revolution, is the goal.
  31. Be yourself and compassionate to others.
  32. Do not agree to staff requests on corridors
  33. Take your time making decisions.
  34. Remember that inaction is different from doing nothing.
  35. Humans first, professionals second.
  36. Maintain high standards and work with each individual with flexibility and consistency.
  37. To ensure adult accountability, put the students first in decision-making.
  38. Take the time to get to know the people in the community, including the students, parents, and staff.
  39. Follow the advice of the school’s specialists, which is not you at first.
  40. When at all feasible, keep your office door open.
  41. Connect with others and be yourself.
  42. The new HT never criticises the previous HT.
  43. Be patient; everyone is on the same path!
  44. Be modest.
  45. Never forget what an honour it is to serve.
  46. Make an investment in yourself.
  47. Sweep the sheds — from Legacy Book.
  48. Keep in mind that the position is that of head’teacher.’
  49. Children first, always!
  50. Humility, honesty, and trust.




👋The Network for School Leaders. Hosted by Lucy & Jonathan Coy 📆Planners 📖 Edu-Company Network 👨‍🏫 Coaching. The Connected Education Brand.